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  • Writer's pictureTINU M.J

Are you looking for a dream job? How to achieve that?

Getting and keeping a dream job is very difficult and challenging in this competitive job pool. With proper strategies and a mental attitude, you can achieve a position in the job market. The following blog gives several great tips and advice on how best to find and get that dream job-right from deciphering what one wants out of their career to acing that interview.


1. Define Your Career Goals

The very first step toward achieving your ideal job is to define your career goals. Spend a little time thinking about what you would want from your career. Ask yourself these questions, among others:


What do you like doing?

What do you have a talent for?

In which work environment do you feel most comfortable?

What would you like to achieve in your career?

Knowing what you want to do will provide focus and help you find proper chances during a job search.


2 . Write an Effective Cover Letter and Resume

Your letter of interest and resume offer your first opportunity to impress potential employers. Make sure they are well-written and customized for the job you want. Here are some tips:

  •  Personalize your resume: Bring out your relevant experiences and talents in light of the job description.

  • Action verbs: Introduce each bullet point with some powerful action verb and bring out what you have achieved.

  • Quantify what you've achieved: Use numbers, whenever possible, while presenting your influence.

  • Write an impactful cover letter: Address the recruiting manager by name, express interest in the position, and give evidence of why one is the best fit through qualifications and experiences.

3. Utilize Company Websites and Online Job Portals:

Websites of companies, apart from online job portals, are excellent sources of a job vacancy. Monster, Indeed, Glassdoor, LinkedIn, and Indeed are some of the popular job portals. While using these online resources:

 4. Network Efficiently

Networking is a very efficient job search technique. In fact, more career opportunities are found through personal networking than through the job boards. This is how to network appropriately:

Attend industry events: Take part in workshops, conferences, and business networking events within your industry.

Join professional associations: Join some professional association in your industry and attend part of its functions.

Utilize social media Join interest groups, contribute to the discussions, and engage with those people on LinkedIn in a professional capacity.

Information interviews: Contact the people working in the business or field you want to pursue and ask to schedule an informational interview. This may help you gather information about the careers and generate leads for advice.

5. Interview preparation

An effective impact at an interview depends on how well you are prepared. Here are some tips to get you preparing:

Research the company's objectives, core values, products, and latest news so that you can tailor your responses and show your knowledge for the position.

Practice standard interview questions: Before the interview, be sure to have answers ready for basic questions such as "Tell me about yourself," "Why do you want to work here?", and "What are your strengths/weaknesses?"

Questions for the interviewer: Prepare a number of intelligent questions about the organization, team, and job responsibilities for the position applied for that will portray interest in it.

Setup job alerts: Be notified when new jobs that fit your criteria are posted.

Apply Now: Most companies post their job vacancies online. Browse their sites, go to the employment section, and directly apply for any forms of employment that you are interested in.

Follow up your interview with an e-mail wherein you thank them for such an opportunity and still show your interest in the position.


6.Consider Contract or Temporary Work

If you are finding it hard to get a good meaningful well-paying job, try any temporary or contract assignments. These opportunities will increase your network and give you valuable experience. Sometimes, they even lead to permanent jobs.


7. Keep Positive and Keep Going

Whereas the search for employment may be challenging and long, one should not give up but remain relentless and hopeful. In seeking employment, one is bound to experience rejection; hence, one should not give up but try again. Keep improving the approach, building the capability, and maintaining a positive attitude. And in time, it will pay off.


8. Build your talents

This will make you very competitive if you can maintain your skill level over time. Workshops, certifications, or online courses are a good step to improving the level of experience within your profession. Many courses exist on Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning, amongst others, to help you in keeping yourself competitive in the job market.



In order to successfully find and secure a job, there needs to be clear knowledge of the professional objectives, a powerful CV and cover letter, effective networking, careful interview preparation, and perseverance. You will be efficiently and effectively able to approach the job market for a position that allows you to pursue your passions and professional interests by using the power of the online, networking relentlessly, and continually seeking out improved skills. Never lose your optimism, perseverance, and initiative on the way to your career aspiration.



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