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  • Writer's pictureTINU M.J

Benefits of feedback: How it unlocks your career growth

In the 21st century, the workplace has become very competitive and fast-paced. So, feedback plays an important role in career development. It enhances the performance of individuals and teams. Giving and receiving feedback properly is challenging. If it is done successfully, then it leads to career achievements. Here, you will get an idea of how to give and receive feedback effectively.

The importance of feedback:

Feedback is essential to everyone for their professional growth because it creates an overview of your position in your career and showcases self-awareness because it helps you recognize your advantages and disadvantages. Also, it provides knowledge that you need to adjust for the better performance. So, it highlights the strengths and weaknesses that definitely help you improve.

Enhance Communication:

Open conversation helps to build trust and a transparent culture because it establishes a comfortable atmosphere to open up individual thoughts and opinions. Realizing each person's and team's potential will help career growth.

Boosts motivation

Positive feedback helps you understand your contribution and achievements, and it boosts your confidence and gives motivation. Also, it gives a clear path for your development. Constructive feedback helps employees achieve job satisfaction.

Drives continuous Improvements:

Regular feedback helps to improve yourself continuously. It is really a good path to getting an idea about your journey, which assists you to improve your performance.


How to Give Effective Feedback:

1. Be specific and clear

2. Use the Sandwich approach

3. Focus on Behavior, not Personality

4. Be Timely

5. Be supportive and Encouraging

Be specific and clear:

The feedback should be clear and understandable and should not include complicated statements or vague statements which should be specific aboutperformance and achievement. Clear feedback helps to identify their strengths and weakness.

Use the Sandwich approach:

The sandwich approach means they includes positive and negative feedback. It starts with positive feedback then it contains some suggestion or criticism after that it ends up with again positive feedback. This approach is help to avoid the crucial impact of negative feedback.

Focus on Behavior, not Personality:

The feedback should be actionable and objective. It does not have any individual personality. It must contain career behaviours and actions.

Be Timely:

Timely feedback is more helpful and relevant so, gives feedback immediately after observing the performance.

Be Supportive and Encouraging:

The feedback should be in the form of supportiveness mindset. Offering support can foster a more cooperative and non-adversarial feedback process.


Strategies for Receiving Feedback Constructively:

The first step for receiving feedback is to be open and receptive. You should approach the feedback with an open mind and be willing to learn. Next is to listen actively. Active listening involves making responses, eye contact and nodding. Make sure you understand the full points of feedback before giving a response. If you did not understand anything in that feedback, you can ask for clarification. Understanding the specifics of the feedback is very important. Then, you should evaluate the feedback and compare it with your own self-assessment. Use this reflection to take the next step to improvement. The next step is to covey your heartful gratitude for that feedback, whether it is positive or negative. So, you must show appreciation. The final step is to implement the necessary changes for your career growth based on the feedback. For this, you should create an action plan to improve certain areas and set your goals accordingly.


Career progress is fueled by feedback since it offers insightful information that helps with decision-making. It gives people the ability to think critically, adjust, and perform better. Employees may make wise decisions for their own growth and success when they receive feedback, which helps them understand what works.


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